The new Gods of the Post AI era of mankind . George Koftis

 This is my first time trying to type my ideas in an orderly manner so I don't know if things will work the way I intend them to. But on the same time I could rely on one part of this argument itself and relyu onartificial intelligence to help me out .I guess things from now on will find their own way themselves and i dont mean that in an negative way. Both human and mechanical intelligence will work towards a future noone can really tell how it will be. In any case this whole idea is nothing but a hypothesis , one from countless that one can presume.

As an artist i can only rely on the mechanisms that already guide me through life to think about how AI is going to change life and reality as we know it. Of course nothing is certain in our lives , as long as wars and suffering, fanatics and nuclear weaponry still lays around in hands that you wouldnt trust with anything. That is just a reminder and not my argument.
What i feel happening(in a more optimistic point of view) in the years to come(not so far i guess) with artificial intelligence , is a whole reset on what we call human civilization in general. One can see Ai being and finding the solution in every single one of human problems . It will be there in finding solutions in things that hadn't even the time to become problematic yet.
Our every day lives is going to be something really difficult even to imagine. Its a completely surreal and yet probable scenario. That, one's life will be totally blank. Blank in a sense of solved problems, practical and financial and health threats extinguished and all threats actually met. It is going to be a change so big that we cannot really evaluate wright now ,since we are on the brink of discovering something that we ourselves are not quite able to understand its possibilities Standing with owe in front of this scenario one can see that the whole structure of society or what we consider Human race will be changed to it's core. From the structure and the norms of society itself till the very human need to be in contact others and even to his own self.
Homo sapiens as a species is entering in a new level of existence, in a completely new era of being Human. We are going to have to question everything from the beginning , we ll have to start from scratch. Besides that , even more aspects of reality are going to be in question like ,societal matters ,matters of identity , the meaning of significance itself(what are we? who am i ? does anyone cares about me? does anyone cares about anyone else?) . What it means to be a person, what it means to be alive ,what it means to feel, to understand and most importantly I think the bigger question is going to be meaning of all existence. What it means to be? ( if AI hasn't found the answer yet already on that matter).
Besides all that and after we have contemplated enough with feeling and enjoying things and having fun and do whatever, Big questions are going to rise up again. Philosophical . Why are we gonna have to face the same questions all over again . On the other hand the human emotions are going to be probably met with some, simple and automatic solutions coming from artificial intelligence and all the technology that comes with it. There is going to be loneliness as a situation but probably not as a feeling . One may be alone in his room, but having his feeling taken care of by AI. Therefore if having everything solved ; from mathematical difficulties , theoretical , and practical questions until the very simple tasks of everyday life , human brain is going to be in a plain where it has to ReDiscover its purpose.
It will eventually have to redirect its capabilities and find a better usage of its storage and processing powers(pun intended). Human brain will continue working of course no matter what. Our need to work out minds will eventually lead us in a different path of being, understanding and decoding reality. Maybe a new way to perceive life. Possibly in a more intuitive or primitive manner than before. Since we will have already created a machine that will take care of all of the practical/mathematical/STEM filed issues per say, our minds will be for the first time, after a long period of time , deliberated of being in charge of our troubles. Free to roam and rediscover its self. This in my mind sounds also that we ll might need a long existencial pause. A pause where we ll have to digest and process what was before. Time is of importance here, Maybe one of the first big changes is going to be our relation with time. There is a strong propability also that machines and medicine will be able to give humans more and more life, so there is also a practical change to that matter as well. Maybe we ll have a second opportunity to go and reach the unknown. Wiser than before and still in charge of our own existence(?). Things that have to do with emotion with intuitiveness will now will be of importance. Our relationships with what we call sacred. With believing or searching for God. Our new struggle now will be our attempts to understand and interpret the changes. Trying to document the consequences of that big change in our lifes and how it will affects our core beings. What we call sacred and spiritual in general will eventually change too? Are we going to have the necessary time now to fall into ourselves? In to the more intuitive parts of us? Are going to see the different explanations of reality in a more friendly manner? Things that previously considered crazy or "out there" are maybe going to be less wacky than before? Our minds will have to do something, that is sure, So maybe trying to rediscover spirit is going to be again - from a completely new point a view - our main cause. Hopefully this new struggle might help human race become more sensible , or in a way more delicate, maybe even brings us more close to each other.
During that long pause, mentioned before, one might try to imagine, what is going to be our next move? It wouldnt be excessive to say, our '"first move"? Are we starting again by making art? By cooking? We've spend all the time we needed to relax. What do we do now? We are on the same planet, without our problems. there is peace and safety all around, we came out victorious to our first part of surviving on earth. - Yes, but what we actually do?
We are in the same place as those hunters in the walls of caves in France some 20.000 years ago. The huge difference is what do we do? What do we paint on the walls? Do we really need to tell a story? No , we have AI for that as well. What do we do in front of the wall. And most importantly, is why are we going to do whatever is that we are about to do. Because, lets face it, we cant stay long without doing anything. This is not a part of our nature. What are the stories since nothing is happening? What gives us inspiration since all is solved? What will be the shape of our contemporary history if nothing is really happening and we are still stranded on earth and our system? What is God now? How can He help me or forgive me since there is no need for both actions? All of those questions are on the mind of the postAI era homo sapiens. And if i need forgiveness, maybe also this need is a relic from the previous life/ I don't need guilt now to help me found boundaries. Maybe i dont need any boundaries after all. Yes, That's it. No boundaries. My new ever changing God will teach us now to have no boundaries and no guilts.
But who is he? What are his/hers characteristics ? Is there one god now? or many? Do they change? Are they personal? Are they custom made for each and everyone? We are gonna have to define and reimanige everything now. This is so exiting! All new Gods for every aspect of our existence. A whole reset of human history , a new begginng in every diffrent field of life. ( i said im gonna be optimistic didnt i?) But what is His/Her shape ? Is he still humanlike? Is it an anthropomorph? Or it is abstraction? That's where my inspiration to create art comes. Im imagining Totems. New Totems for every single God that will be from now on. Totems of the new personal gods. Totems that are static, or some that move. Some that change or even Totems that are poems. Totems that are emotions. Totems that are sentiments. New creations out of the big nothingness. Each and every one different for any man and any occasion. The only thing that matters now is the essence of the new and also the new aisthetics that will be also created. The new approch to abstraction and the birth of the images and meanings. New ever changing Gods and masters and vice versa. We ll get used maybe in the idea , that God himself in nothing than our interpretation of abstraction. Our ability to connect through rituals and our common sense of chaos is our path. The same that it always was( unless it destroy us now and none of that will ever come to pass We name it God, Intuitiveness of abstraction , but the ability to use these fields of our existence is the only thing that will separate us from the machines. The capability to be able to let oneself into the unknown without the fear of loss. It will be the first time that we ll have both time and energy to fully dive into our subconscious without any fears or restrictions. What do we find in there? Maybe God is the progress itself. Maybe there isnt anything to be found because all is constantly changing. Maybe our new God will be the guide for us to be adaptable. Maybe our Gods are now actions and not monuments of actions. Maybe they are paintings of abstract ideas, followed by poems and jokes. Maybe God is Just a celebration of not being afraid and nothing more than that.


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